Sunday, February 24, 2013

And so it begins...:)

Super Detailed Brith Story...
I was getting really impatient with wanting to have the baby soon. I kept trying to think of ways to induce labor. I really didn’t want to go late. It was Monday and I was reading a bunch of things online on how to stay patient during this time.  A lot of people suggested to go out on a date with your husband. I told Tom that I wanted to go out to eat at Texas Roadhouse to just get out of the house and be with each other. He thought that was a great idea. Later that night I am pretty sure I lost my mucus plug. I didn’t sleep very well that night. I noticed my stomach was kind of bothering me. Early in the morning I had a little bit of diarrhea and I felt really nauseous. I was worried I might have the flu or worse food poisoning. I was supposed to have a really busy day that day. I was supposed to teach at the high school, studio, and go to a yw meeting. I had Stacia cover the high school. Then I had to find subs for the studio. I also let the yw president know I wasn’t feeling well. Everyone was so understanding. That day I was pretty much on the couch all day long. I felt like I was going to throw up all day but never could. I was so hungry but nothing we had sounded good. Tom was so sweet to go to the store and buy applesauce and popsicles. For some reason popsicles were the only thing that sounded good to me to eat. I watched a lot of byutv that day. I remember watching a cooking show, the music man, and Doc. Around 6 pm I decided to take a bath. When I was getting out of the bathtub I noticed a lot of discharge come out of me so I hurried and sat on the toilet and noticed that stuff kept coming out of me. Since I had just gotten out of the tub I wasn’t sure if it was just water from the bath or if I was peeing. It was such a weird sensation. But I really had a feeling that this was different. I felt so weird telling tom that I thought my water had broken. It was really funny. He kept asking so many questions and making sure it was the real thing. We had a pretty good sense of humor at this point. We decided to go to the hospital to make sure. We grabbed all of our bags and snacks for tom. On the drive there I was noticing that my contractions were getting worse, but they were not terrible yet. We went into the hospital and headed to labor and delivery. We were guided into a room. I was told to take off all my clothes and put on a hospital gown so that they could check everything. The nurse put monitors on my stomach. She came in to check to see where I was dilated and also to test if there was amniotic fluid to see if my water had really broken. It was the real thing so she started to do some other things. She took my blood pressure and it was pretty high. I think it was because I was so nervous. She also put an iv in my arm. I realized I was starving when I got there. I asked if I could eat anything and she said no. I was really bugged at that point. All I wanted was a popsicle! I was worried I wouldn’t have the energy during the whole labor and deliver especially since I had hardly eaten anything all day long. So she got me some ice chips and that was all I could have. I have learned that next time I need to eat before I walk into the hospital! I asked if I could walk around to help with the contractions. She said I could do 20 min on and then get monitored for 20 minutes. We walked around and my contractions were starting to get really really strong and painful. I did not realize how uncomfortable I would feel. We went back to the room and the nurse checked me again and I was at a 4. She left and I tried to breathe through the contractions. At this point the epidural was sounding very tempting. I wanted to enjoy the process instead of being in so much pain that I finally gave in. When the nurse came back again I told her that I wanted the epidural. I only had to wait about 10 minutes for the anesthesiologist to come. He said that I had a perfect epidural back. I had to stay so still during the process which was hard through the contractions. I had tom and another nurse in front of me to hold onto which helped. It stung a little bit but was nothing compared to the pain of the contractions. The epidural kicked in pretty quickly. That was the best decision I have ever made! I was so glad that I got it. I was able to relax and try and sleep. By this point it was probably around 11ish. I was progressing pretty fast. She would come in to check me every so often I was at about a 5 ½ then a 6 ½. The next time she checked  I was at a 9 ½ and then finally I was complete. While we were waiting they would monitor my blood pressure and the babies heart rate. My blood pressure was pretty low so they gave me an oxygen mask. It was kind of annoying to wear but wasn’t too terrible. There was one time where it dropped so low that the computer started to beep.  The lowest it hit was around 96/48 which was crazy. I got so nervous. The nurse came in and continued to monitor me. It started to go back up. It made me so nervous when I would see the babies heart rate drop too but for the most part he stayed at exactly where he needed to be. When I was dilated to a 10 the nurse called the doctor (Ollerton) and he said to do the rest and descend. (Where I wait for an hour before I start pushing). She did have me do one practice push and then she left for an hour. I tried to rest and this point. (2 am) I started the whole pushing process at 3 am. She told me that I pushed well but that I needed to hold my breath as I pushed. She said I was doing really well with the pushing. The doctor came in to see how I was doing and also said I was pushing really well. He came in after about an hour to see my progression. Every time I would push the babies heart rate would drop a little. The doctor was concerned about this.  He left again and came in to check me 30 minutes later. He said that the baby hadn’t progressed at all which I thought was bogus! We were able to see the head as I pushed and knew that the baby was way further down than when he was saying. He said that he was worried that the baby was just not going to fit through my narrow pelvis and that we would probably have to do a c-section. I was not a happy camper when he said that. I said well can’t we use forceps or a vacuum to help the baby out, but he said that the baby was just not far enough down. At this point he watched me push through a contraction and then he was really surprised at how far along I actually was progressing. I think he realized I was a lot farther than he thought I was. At this point he stayed in for the last 30 minutes during the pushing. I have never worked so hard in my life. The last thing I wanted was a c-section. Pretty close to 5 am he had the nurses get the vacuum and also the stuff to perform an episiotomy. It felt so good to prove the doctor wrong. I know he was doing his job and he was concerned about the heart rate. But I was frustrated that he didn’t really know how close the baby really was to delivering because of his assumptions. So the baby was born at 5:02 am. I got the episiotomy and he used the vacuum for just one contraction pretty much. I guess the baby’s head was slightly turned which made it harder for him to fit through. Once his head was out he slipped right out. The cord was wrapped around his neck. Tom got to cut the cord. He was really calm after he was born. He hardly cried. I then delivered the placenta which felt weird. He was 6 lbs. 14 oz. and 20.5 inches long. I got to do some skin to skin with him for about 30 min. to an hour which was amazing. He did really well during all of the tests and bath. Holding him for the first time was just incredible. I couldn’t believe how rewarding it was! After he was born his blood sugar was really low. They were concerned that he would possibly have to stay and go to the NICU. It was scary. Tom and his Dad gave him a blessing and his blood sugar levels started to go up. It was truly a blessing. Love the power of the priesthood!

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