Wednesday, September 11, 2013

8 Months

This face! I can't seem to get enough. I love his dimples. I love his hair. I love his cheeks, smile, and chunky legs. I am totally obsessed and feel so blessed to call him my son!

Goofy boy:)


So, this was my first experience taking family names to the temple. I was SO excited. I had no idea that my family had so many names that hadn't been done. It was a really neat to experience doing work for my own ancestors. There are so many people waiting and it feels so good to help out where I can. I love the temple and the peace that it brings. So grateful to have so many temples close by and love being able to serve those who have gone before. It makes my life so much better when I give up my time from my busy day to serve. I need to go more often.  

Just a fun day at Grandma's! 

Watching home videos with Daddy on his phone. 

So...Jackson was supposed to go down for a nap. But instead he just wanted to play. Story of my life! I went to go peek on him and I caught him just in time. He was pulling himself up to standing. I ran and got my phone to take a pic. Right after he fell. So glad I caught this moment! My favorite part about this whole picture is his cute little pointed toe. His Momma is definitely a dancer:)

One of his favorite toys...The Door Stopper.


Seriously? Could he get any cuter?!

He just loves being in Daddy's office!


He LOVED it!!


Tom's favorite super hero growing up was superman. These pajamas have been Tom's favorite by far. We kind of died when we put them on Jacks for the first we had to take a lot of pictures. He was all over the place so some of them are blurry. 

Check out that hair!

This picture makes us laugh every time we see it. His foot is the best part. Trying to take off!

My precious little boy


Went out for a much needed girls night at Chili's. Got a HUGE cookie and ice cream that I couldn't finish, but it was super yummy. 


So Tom and I have been doing Insanity. We needed a change and we have been loving it! It is a 60 day program. We do it 6 days a week. It is SO hard but I feel so much more motivated to work out since we are working toward a goal AND it is a huge time saver because I can just do it at home! We are on our 3rd week and I am already noticing some good results. 


We went to Vernal last weekend. It was such a great little getaway! My sister lives in Vernal, Tom has a branch that he can visit for work there, and the YW went to the vernal temple that weekend. Three things in one was great!  I was able to meet up with the yw at the temple on Saturday which was so fun. We also went out to dinner, watched the byu game, and went shooting....

This was a big deal for me. I HATE guns and have never really liked shooting. But after this time around I can safely say I actually enjoyed it! I shot a 22. I was probably shaking like crazy but hit a target on the first shot! Oh and this was right after the temple too...hence the skirt;) 

These next pics were all taken on the same day (September 11). He was just too dang cute I couldn't help myself!

Hanging out with Mom while she gets ready!

Went on a walk to go pick up my good friend Holly's little girl Taylin. 

Those eyes! Soooo Dreamy:)

Loves the grass! I love the focused look on his face here. 

Ahh! This face! He gets kissed all day long...Can you tell why?

8 Months! Wow. He is SO much fun. We are always laughing at the cute things he does. It is so fun to have him interact with us. There are definitely frustrating moments for sure. Every parent has them. But I really feel so blessed to have him in our lives. 

Some Milestones: 
-Sitting up all by himself
-Pulling himself up to standing
-Says Ma Ma
-He is eating puffs! And will drink water from a cup...sometimes a sippy cup. 
-He ate some sweet potatoes!...He has been slower with the whole solids thing..but we are working on it and slowly but surely he will get there. 

Cute things he does:
-Follows me around wherever I go
-Will climb up on me if I am just sitting on the floor
-He is such a wiggle worm but I love it when he will come get really close to my face and snuggle.
-He is quite the talker...Jabbers all day long!
-I love that he can crawl now but it seriously breaks my heart every time I see him get hurt. Poor kid. That is the only bad part about this watching him fall, get bruises, etc. I think I am a little over protective at times...haha 
-He will bounce up and down while he is sitting up when he is excited...REALLY cute. 
-It is getting trickier and trickier to change his diaper! He loves to crawl or roll away during the whole process. 
-He loves songs. I try to do this while I am changing his diaper to distract him ha. 
-I have been trying to incorporate a little bit of sign language into our daily routine. He just thinks its funny right now. Hopefully he will catch on over the next couple of months! 


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