Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Jack Attack is 2 and 1/2!

 Baby Sister or Baby Brother???.....
 BABY SISTER!!!! Oh man. I can't even tell you how excited we were when we found out the news. I had a feeling it was a girl and I feel so so lucky to have the opportunity to be a mother to not only Jackson, but to a little girl as well! So so blessed. When I was getting the ultrasound done the doc asked okay what are your last guesses? Tom said its a boy and I said I think its a girl and 2 seconds later she said its a GIRL! Mothers intuition is always right;)

 Church on Sundays can be rough, so nap in the car it is. Love these precious moments.
Fun day at Arete Gymnastics. 

 Another Sunday crash after 1:00 church.
 Love these two with ALL of my heart.



 This is an everyday occurence. He loves loves loves his trains and cars!
 Mother Daughter night out on the town! Movie and shopping. So much fun and such a nice break. Love this dear mother of mine!
 Feeding the bunnies at the farm. Cutest thing ever.

 Oh the positions I find him in...

 Tulip Festival!

 Airplane at the curiosity museum. It slightly freaks him out.

His first and last snow day of the year! Where was all the snow this year???

 Mohter's Day

 Payson Temple Open House. Such a beautiful temple. We were all impressed. Jackson did SO much better this time around too. Last temple open house we went to was a nightmare with him. This was a MUCH better experience.
 Memorial Day hike with my little family!

 First day of gymnastics!

 These two.

 Jackson is just SLIGHTLY obsessed with Thomas the Train. My mom bought him this little outfit and it is his all time favorite. Can you tell by his face??:)

What a fun last 6 months! I can't believe that Jackson is 2.5 and that we will be adding another little one to our family soon. Just 5 more weeks! Crazy how time flies. He has been so fun this year! I am amazed at how many things he is learning and so quickly. He is talking SO much...sometimes he never stops. There are days though where I can get so frustrated with his little 2 year old self! He is so deteremined and knows what he wants! He is sleeping great. Sleeps through the night and still takes a nap everyday. Those are heaven sent. He loves loves loves eggs. Has to have them everyday. Brownies and cookies are also some of his favorite treats too. He does not love candy. Guess he takes after his mother;) He can sing quite a few songs by himself, but the one I am the most impressed with is that he will sing the Alphabet. He loves singing Row Your Boat before he goes to bed and gives the sweetest most simple prayers at night. Thomas the Train is still his favorite show and he knows all of the trains names. He likes to sing Bob the Builder to himself right before his nap and sometimes at night. He LOVES nursery and does great during sacrament meeting. He gets super excited about the bread and water and knows to try and think about Jesus. He loves the swimming pool. Most of the time he is really happy, laughing, and smiling. He sure knows how to get his way with mom. Dad is better at laying down the law:) We love him more than anything and hope that he transitions well to having a new baby in the house.

Overall I have had a great pregnancy and have been able to exercise throughout which has been so nice. But to be honest, the beginning was rough emotionally. First of all, I was a lot more nauseous than I was with Jackson, so that threw me off a little, but I just did not feel ready to have another one. I knew that we wanted another one in the near future, but it happened sooner than we both expected. For some odd reason I really sturggled with self image issues and gaining weight this time around. I also have struggled more with anxiety and sadness then I had when I was prego with Jackson. Now that it is getting closer to her coming I have been doing so much better! I don't really know what has changed, but I am just glad that I am starting to feel more like myself again. I am getting so excited to meet baby girl and to feel comfortable again. The last month can be rough with feeling tired and uncomfortable, especially with chasing a 2 year old around. But I am ready to push through!

1 comment:

  1. The second pregnancy was lots harder on me too! I think the newness has worn off a bit and so it's just a little tougher emotionally! Girls are so fun, you will be a great mommy of two!!
